How to Add Subscribers

There are two methods available for adding new subscribers' email addresses to your recipient list, individually or in bulk.

How to Add an Individual Subscriber

  1. Log in to N8
  2. Go to Manage Subscriptions
  3. Locate Chiropractic Email Newsletter and click Manage Product
  4. On the Email Newsletter Dashboard, locate Add Subscriber card
  5. Input an email address
  6. Click Add

Chiropractic Email Newsletter - Add subscriber

How to Add Subscribers in Bulk

  1. Log in to N8
  2. Go to Manage Subscriptions
  3. Locate Chiropractic Email Newsletter and click Manage Product
  4. Navigate to Settings
  5. In the left sidebar, go to Import Contacts
  6. Click Choose File
    • You can upload the following types of files:
      • A plain text or CSV file, with a email addresses on separate lines.
      • An Excel (XLS/XLSX) file with an email address somewhere on each (or some) rows.
  7. Click Preview Import
  8. Click Add to Queue

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